Sunday, June 23, 2013

Asimov's Find in Deadwood

I never stop reading. When Crissy and I were in Deadwood recently, we stopped at an antique shop on the edge of town. In their musty basement I found a treasure trove. Not the vintage Weird Tales I often daydream about finding, but something more contemporary: someone's collection of 1980's and 1990's era Asimov's Science Fiction. I cherry-picked a few issues, looking for certain names I recognized. I'm not really a sciend fiction story at all, but I notice the editor always included a story or two that fit my description of weird or fantastic fiction. Among the best stories so far: tales by Tanith Lee and (the always unusual) Avram Davidson. My absolute favorite is "Jenny" by Melanie Tem. A high impact story about a rural family's escalating sorrow following the loss of a family member, it stayed with me long after I'd finished reading it. I'll definitely be looking for her name again.

And I'm sure the box is still there, if you want to grab a few issues for yourself.

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