Sunday, June 9, 2019

COBWEBS: New Collection Available in July

Coming in July 2019, I am pleased to present my fourth short story collection, COBWEBS: Tales of Dread and Disquiet.

Mara hunts and harvests 'shamblers' in a dystopian near-future where dried human brains are the hottest drug on the market in ENCEPHALOSHROOMS.

After a lovers' quarrel, Cindy's husband storms off, only to return transformed into something perfect, yet utterly inhuman, in CAVEMANNEQUIN.

Jake harbors a dark secret and an insane desire to experience all the joys of fatherhood in a single hour in PROUD PAPA.

Fantasy turns to nightmare when an amorous couple find themselves adrift on a lifeboat with a menacing stranger as their sole companion in EROTIC, AQUATIC.

An ominous old man's Halloween tales shred the veil between madness and monsters in COBWEBS AND COLD TRUTHS.

A newcomer to a tiny Bayou town learns the horrifying legend of CRONE CARVER OF CATCHEM CREEK.

In these and the dozen other macabre misadventures included in this collection, readers are sure to find much to haunt their thoughts.

For more, three previous collections are available in paperback and Kindle formats: ANT FARM NECROPOLIS; WHEN BEDBUGS BITE; and BEDTIME STORIES FOR CARRION BEETLES.
