Sunday, May 13, 2012

Anthology spotlight: I'm Going to Flash You

I'm a big fan of reading and writing flash fiction, aka micro fiction.

In 2009, I stumbled on a web site/anthology called FIFTY-TWO STITCHES. I submitted a story called "Bubble Gum Tongue". It is less than one page long (!) but it was accepted and later appeared in the print version of the anthology, edited by Aaron Polson. Most of the stories are three pages or less.

I discovered several great tales in this anthology. My favorite was "Little Problems" by Patricia Russo. Absolutely loved it. Cate Gardner, Felicity Dowker and Rachel Green all had really good stories as well. 

There's an anthology called Flashshot that is available on Lulu. It's from a Canadian small press publisher. I have over FORTY 100 word stories in this collection! Worth checking out! Lots of personal favorites included.
The most recent flash fiction anthology I've contributed to has turned heads thanks to its stellar lineup of authors. Jack Ketchum, Simon Clark, Joe McKinney, Ramsey Campbell, Nancy Holder, Tim Lebbon, Nancy Kilpatrick, Graham Masterton, Rick Hautala, William F. Nolan, Lisa Morton & Nate Kenyon, for starters.

As of this writing, I am exactly half finished with the book. My favorite stories (so far) have come from Stephen Volk, Kaaron Warren, J.R. Parks, Jeremy C. Shipp and Aaron Polson.

I almost forgot!  My story, "How To Make A Monster" is about a man in a coma. He gets a second chance at life when he miraculously wakes. But, since this is a horror anthology after all, it would have been best if he'd stayed locked up within himself.

My story was partially inspired by a distant relative of mine who got hit by and 18 wheeler when he was out riding his motorcycle. He spent several years in a coma. Then he miraculously woke up! Only a few short months later, he was killed by an 18 wheeler while riding his motorcycle. Fate?

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