My newest available published story is "Suicide by Cop," a dark crime story that deals with a tough subject. It is available to read for FREE right here. Over My Dead Body also includes several of my solve-it-yourself mini-mysteries. This link will take you to the two most recent entries, and on the page you'll find another link for four others.
Also newly published in 2014:
"Reynolds's Tale" appeared in Darker Edge of Desire from Tempted Romance. This is a themed anthology of romantic horror stories, or supernatural sex stories, if you prefer. The authors aim to give you chills and sweats simultaneously. Thank you to Mitzi Szereto for purchasing my story! Available now!
Doug Murano, C.W. LaSart and I met at SoDakCon in May of 2014. Our experience there exceeded all our expectations. We wanted to do something special for the attendees next year, so we collaborated on a multi-author collection. We each chose four reprints that we are very proud of, and each wrote one brand new story exclusive to this collection.
My stories included are: "You Don't Know Jack" and "There's Not A Word For It" from Bedtime Stories for Carrion Beetles; "The Adventure Never Ends," which is exclusive to this collection; and "Ghost Soup" and "A Misadventure to Call Your Own."
To purchase a copy in paperback, click this link.
To purchase a Kindle edition, this one will work.
"Four Houses Down, on the Bad Side of Town" appeared in In Shambles. This anthology features eclectic and eccentric horror stories. Interesting side note: Kevin J. Anderson, probably the most well-know author included, was the editor who purchased my first professional-rate sale back in 2012. Thanks to Jesse Duckworth for purchasing my story. In Shambles is available HERE.
"Clutterbugs" appeared in Strangely Funny II from Mystery and Horror, LLC. This is a loosely-themed anthology of humorous fantasy and horror stories. Thank you to Sarah Glenn for purchasing my story. Extra credit for going all out on the promotional materials, too. I gave away a lot of post cards and book marks for this one! Available here.
2014 got off to a good start (even though the world ended--sort of) thanks to Vignettes From the End of the World from Apokrupha. Part of the QuickLII series of flash fiction, the theme of this anthology is evident from the title. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Literary Fiction and more. My story included is "Carrying On". This book is available in paperback, for Kindle, and in hardcover. Check here for details.
"Methods of Coping" and "Coping Methods" are two different stories using the same characters and same premise. One is (much) longer, one is shorter.
"Methods of Coping" (the longer of the two) appears in Beyond the Nightlight, a young adult horror anthology from A Murder of Storytellers. Thank you to Adrean Messmer for purchasing my story.
"Coping Methods," along with a poem titled "Neck, Romantic," appears in Black Hills Literary Journal: The Family Issue. Thank you to Black Hills Writers Group (Karen Hall and Charlotte Walling, among others) for purchasing my work.
Thank you for reading!