I wrote the introduction to this issue and contributed the lead-off story, "Everyone Wears A Mask" a story about a mother's revenge, set around Halloween. You can order it here.
The latest issue of Dark Moon Digest (#24) includes my radio-related horror story, "Reunited." You can order a copy here.
My extreme horror story, "Questions Still Unanswered" appears in the latest special issue of Morpheus Tales: Taboo. E-book available to order here: here. Paperback is available from Lulu.
The anthology, Muffled Scream: Corner of the Eye, includes my dark urban fantasy story "Balloon Animals." It is available here.
Shadows Over Main Street is in print again! It includes my story, "Estranged" which is set in Innsmouth, of Lovecraftian lore. Order this new edition here.
And here's one you can read for FREE! "Nic Fits" is a humorous pulp horror story that appears on Crimson Streets Pulp E-zine. It's the featured story for the week of August 14th. Scroll down to find my story if it's not at the top.
Illustration by Sheik.