Monday, July 14, 2014

Gruesome Faces, Ghastly Places collection to feature South Dakota horror authors

Coming soon: GRUESOME FACES, GHASTLY PLACES, a collection of horror stories by South Dakota authors. It will feature five stories each from Doug Murano (co-editor of Shadows Over Main Street), C.W. LaSart (author of Ad Nauseam) and me, Adrian Ludens (author of Bedtime Stories for Carrion Beetles). Cover art is by Luke Spooner.

Our respective web sites:
and last but not least,

Monday, July 7, 2014

Darker Edge of Desire has it's own home page!

Edgar Allan Poe was said to be found wandering the streets of Baltimore in a state of great distress just days before he died. Nurses said that his clothes did not fit, and did not appear to actually belong to him. Poe remained incoherent until his passing. Poe shouted the name "Reynolds!" repeatedly before he died.

"Reynolds Tale" will be included in Darker Edge of Desire, an anthology of dark Victorian erotic horror, edited my Mitzi Szereto.

Coming in October! But visit the web site now for teasers from five of the other stories included, plus bios on the authors, some advance reviews, and more!
